Whew...I am so glad elections are over. I mean, I voted and performed my civic duty, but I am just glad that there are no more mud-slinging commercials, and no more mailers in my mailbox. I hope all of you voted, because it DOES make a difference. If you don't believe it just look at the Senate races.
So speaking of Patriotism...Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all our servicemen and women who have trained and volunteered to fight and protect us. That is another reason to vote, so that guys who have fought for freedom know that we appreciate it and embrace it. I love America! I know right now that is not a popular opinion, but it is just the way I feel. I am so glad we have the right to express our opinions even if we don't agree with everything we hear.
Anyway, that is my soapbox for today...thank you veterans! We can never thank you enough for your sacrifice.