Yesterday started the CRAZIEST two weeks that Joe and I will have probably this semester. Just wanted to share a little so that you get a small glimpse into our world. We have two Christmas/Holiday concerts coming up. (That we are in charge of.)
Sunday (yesterday): Church and 2 hour rehearsal for KCBC Christmas concert on the 17th.
Today: Normal schedule (night class, etc) Finishing preparation for my school program on the 12th.
Tuesday: Holiday program for Sheridan Green Handbells and Choir. Along with an extra after-school rehearsal and set-up of the stage, etc.
Wednesday: Choir rehearsal for KCBC program
Thursday: Night class
Friday: Set-up for dress rehearsal and concert
Saturday: Dress-rehearsal and last-minute craziness
Sunday: Church at normal hours. Concert at 6 p.m. Yea! The choir will be awesome-Joe has done a great job with them!
Monday: Final presentation due for Foundations of Music Education. Take-home final/novel due for Developing Children's Choir
Tuesday: Holiday Party for my handbell and choir kids-will be really fun!
Wednesday: Final presentation on my research for Intro to Music Bibliography and Research. KCBC Choir and Worship Team Christmas Party! FINALLY DONE!
Wow...maybe I shouldn't have typed that out, because it is a little freaky to see! But we will get it all done and then have an amazing Christmas with our families. So, I guess I wrote all of that so that you guys can pray for us as we go through this week. It will be great, just hectic. So keep us in your prayers!
We love you and can't wait to see family in a couple of weeks!