We have a group here this week from Utah helping us do community outreach. Because of a series of unfortunate events the group that has come is just one family. The dad is Stan, the mom, Karen, and the rest is 4 girls: Stephanie, Jenny, Melissa, and Christina. Theyare staying at our house and I LOVE THEM! Joe and I always go back and forth because when we have kids he wants all boys and I want all girls (like our own families) but after hanging out with this family I want all girls again...definitely....they are so funny and great. We are really blessed to have them. They have such servants hearts...two of the girls will be summer missionaries this summer-as high schoolers-they are a really neat family, and a great example of living their life, boldly sharing the gospel of Christ.

Anyway, VBS is next week, and we (especially Joe) is running around like crazy to get this done...so, just be in prayer for the kiddos who will be here, that the gospel will be shared and lives will be changed!
Have a great week!