Friday, November 03, 2006

It's been awhile

So, last week was our last post because our life has been insane the past week. Our dog, Baxter, has been so sick these past 2 weeks. He has been in the animal hospital a total of 4 days and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. So after almost a week and half of vomiting and dehydration and our vet basically not caring, we switched vets today and the new one (who gave personal attention) figured out what was wrong with our dog in one day. They say he has all the signs of a gastric ulcer from eating something like wood that scraped his stomach and then got infected. It's pretty crazy that after all that, it is something so simple.
It just makes me INSANE that if the old vet would have spent a little more time with Baxter he would already be better and we could have saved so much money. Once again the whole issue of personal service vs. making money comes into play. But its pretty scary that someone is that way with our puppy's health. But we absolutely LOVE our new vet. When we picked up Baxter today, they said "we'll call tomorrow to see how he is doing." PERSONAL SERVICE-YEAH! So if you are in Littleton and you need a vet go to the Chatfield Veterinary Hospital, they ROCK!
I think that is all that has been happening lately. Oh! It did snow again, A LOT. (that's what Joe wrote about.)We got about 6 inches. It was pretty sweet, but I had to drive on a little two lane road through the worst of the snowing. It was very scary. But beautiful once the sky cleared up and the roads were clear.
Only 3 more weeks till we go home for Thanksgiving. Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Poor Baxter! I'm glad to hear that he is on the road to recovery. Something similar happened to Chloe last spring.

The Guy on the Couch said...

Man, that sucks about Baxter guys. I'm glad he is doing better. Dogs seem to be really susceptible to dietary indiscretions, as we say. I hope he heals up quick.