It's snowing! The one thing about being Southerners is that we get as excited about snow as the kids at my school. All of today my first through third graders have been said, "It's snowing! Mrs. Horan, did you know its snowing?" They never get over it. Its the wonderment of being a child, I guess.This is obviously me on our deck of our apartment. Right after Joe took this picture of me, I took Baxter (our dog) walking while it was still snowing. He acts like a lunatic in the snow, eating it, rolling around in it and burying his nose in it.We had a great time, even though it was cold. There is nothing more beautiful than newly fallen snow! I LOVE SNOW! Have a great day!
hey girl....guess scott and I are doing the "new thing too" blogging an all you can check out our site at http://www.myspace.com/94782210
just copy and paste it. I have gotten in touch with so many old friends of mine.and family..i love it ..anyway ..lov the pics.....it looks beautiful there! Snow? Wow..someting I"ve never played in..lol....well...got to go...scott's coming in from work today.....it's our 5 yr anniversary on the 20th....how time goes by........it sure hasn't seemed like 5 yrs!!!
Oh my gosh...it is so great to hear from you! Thanks for sharing this with me. I am so happy for you. You look so happy in the pictures. I could only wish that I could live in a place so beautiful. I will have to share this with Wayne. It would be so cool to have a Blogger.
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