Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Praise the Lord!

To keep you updated....VBS started yesterday...and we had 110 kids show up! This undoubtedly is God's work and blessing in Littleton! This is an amazing number of children that will hear the truth of Jesus Christ, many of them for the first time. It is also an amazing number considering that we aren't a very big church! Pray that God continues to bless and that many children will come to know the Lord-and GROW in Him.
I know that this comes from God blessing our church's and Joe's faithfulness in continuing to reach out to the community. We also have amazingly wonderful and passionate children's workers.
Just because I know he wouldn't do this-I am going to brag about my husband. He is really following God's direction and really working hard and just really a great example of being passionate about what you are doing. I love him so much and I am SO proud of him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord, indeed! Joe told me about the numbers and results. We are so glad and proud of you both. K & T